Improving Outcome Through Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis is key in order to slow and halt progression in different types of neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer.

However, the early diagnosis is often difficult. For instance, the early diagnosis of PD is difficult as the typical motor symptoms only appear once over 60% of all dopamine neurons within the specific regions of the basal ganglia may have been lost.

Imaging technologies such as Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) also show degenerated brain areas only once 50% or more of specific brain regions (e.g. the substancia nigra) are damaged.

Why is BrainCheck ND so effective?

BrainCheck ND is a fully operational, low-cost, non-invasive early detection system that supports the work of neurologists. BrainCheck ND tests take a maximum of 20 minutes and can be executed without the presence of a medical doctor. At the end of each BrainCheck ND test series, a complete documentation with the result of the single test areas is provided. Conspicuous test results are highlighted automatically in red, allowing the neurologist to get quickly and safely an overview of the patients health status. The historical data can be compared in the case the patient repeats the BrainCheck tests in future (e.g. to monitor improvements of his health condition during a special therapy).

Why is BrainCheck ND so effective?

BrainCheck ND is a fully operational, low-cost, non-invasive early detection system that supports the work of neurologists. BrainCheck ND tests take a maximum of 20 minutes and can be executed without the presence of a medical doctor. At the end of each BrainCheck ND test series, a complete documentation with the result of the single test areas is provided. Conspicuous test results are highlighted automatically in red, allowing the neurologist to get quickly and safely an overview of the patients health status. The historical data can be compared in the case the patient repeats the BrainCheck tests in future (e.g. to monitor improvements of his health condition during a special therapy).

BrainCheck is supported by premium university hospitals, such as University of Bonn (D) and University of Pisa (IT), and by a first-class scientific team who is eager to continuously improve the comprehensive research work.
BrainCheck ND is made of premium hardware components (e.g. specially developed sensors) and special software solutions. BrainCheck ND represents an unique, comprehensive check-up system for the early detection of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer (AD).
BainCheck ND's integrated deep-learning data analytics tool supports research projects to find potential correlations of neurodegenerative diseases.

For further information, please contact us